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Cybersecurity Is Too Complicated. I’m Here to Decode It.
Since I can recall, cybersecurity has been far too complicated. Why? There are a few reasons, but a big one is that cybersecurity organizations are pushing new and overly complex ideas. They often want to pave a new industry standard or appeal to a tiny subset of the population.

Advice for Leaders—Think Like Your Adversary
How do cyber bad actors, a.k.a., our adversaries, think? Easy, like the rest of us. Well, with a slightly different optic. If you're leading an organization, you are charged with staying one step ahead of your adversaries — your data, earnings, and business future depend on it.

Advice for Leaders—A CISO Needs to be a Leader First
Overlooking the importance of leadership can be a fatal error for an organization. Yet, in cybersecurity leadership today, leadership is often overlooked. But why?
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"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
- Benjamin Franklin