We make cybersecurity easy to understand!

There are no big words, no cyber jargon, just cyber made simple.


So why did we want to build this site?

  • The growing threat icon

    The Threat is Growing

    The threats are constantly growing in volume and sophistication.

  • A maze showing complexity

    The Threat is Ever More Complex

    The industry is getting too complex and convoluted, even for the experts.

  • A ladder indicating criticality

    The Threat Can Derail Business

    Businesses must understand how to address all cyber matters.

Since we can recall, cybersecurity has been far too complicated. Companies constantly make new acronyms by the day. They are selling to a small group of highly technical subject matter experts, but that’s not all of us. We realize that the majority of people don’t speak “cyber.” You have a bunch of matters to deal with, so we wanted to make it easy on you!

Here’s the rub, cybersecurity is essential–something you need to be aware of, but it will fall by the wayside if it is too complicated to understand. That is where we come in. We make cybersecurity easy to understand so you can make informed business decisions.

Do you want to read more about why we were founded? Check out our founder's detailed article about it!

“Who built this epic site?” you ask. Well…

Several people built this site, but Michael and Nathan are driving the vision of decodingCyber!

Michael F. D. Anaya's bio

Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder

  • “I’m a techie who’s been in cybersecurity for over two decades. My passions are being a top-tier dad, helping others, speaking in public, and making cyber simple. I am also partial to cheesecake and bourbon, but not together… well, come to think of it, it might be a killer combo! TBD.”

  • Michael is a techie who has been in cybersecurity for over two decades. But he was forged in tech…as a software engineer. Then he set out to make a difference and joined the FBI as a Special Agent.

    Michael was with the FBI for 14 years, mainly investigating cyber nation-state and criminal bad actors. He later decided to venture back into the private sector.

    He held leadership positions with several cybersecurity startups and is now a director with one of the premier cybersecurity companies in the world. He runs their global attribution program. He’s also a board member and advisor to several influential organizations.

  • Feel free to check out Michael’s personal website or follow him on LinkedIn!

    In addition, check these opinion pieces by Michael. They are handcrafted for leaders and part of our Advice for Leaders series:
    Advice for Leaders—A CISO Needs to be a Leader First
    Advice for Leaders—Think Like Your Adversary

Nathan Schiller's bio

Nathan Schiller | Managing Partner

  • “I’m a writer, marketer, and educator who’s spent years helping businesses explain the importance of cybersecurity. I love spending time with family and friends, running in the woods, playing classical piano … and making epic classical piano playlists on Spotify!”

  • To help bring decodingCyber to life, Michael partnered with one of the best in the industry — Nathan Schiller, a longtime writer, editor, and digital strategist. Nathan has had roles at many technology startups and now works as a marketer for a premier software company, contributing a unique editorial vision and a deep appreciation for his audiences. Nathan is also a dedicated educator whose first teaching job was to sharpen the writing skills of numerous future scientists and engineers.

  • Feel free to check out Nathan’s personal website or follow him on LinkedIn!

Expert Contributors

Want to learn more about our expert contributors? This is a partial list. Check out our contributor page to learn about all of them!

What People Are Saying…


Cybersecurity is so important, but at times is way too complex and convoluted. The decodingCyber team make it easy.

— CJ D.


The articles on the site are beautifully written and easy to understand.

— Sarah M.


There is a lot of great content being provided... I find it easier to digest and process!

— Graham G.


So many vendors try and sell you whatever they have to offer, but this site actually explained why I need to care about cyber.

— Roman D.

Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be difficult–We are here to decode it for you.